Long Story Short
Long Story Short
Long Story Short [lss] is a resource that is designed to equip the church to understand and explain God’s good news by telling His story, as recorded in the Bible.
The resource is unique in that it follows the long story of the Bible, picking up the main themes from the Old Testament and following those threads right through to the life, death & resurrection of Christ. At the end of the day, everyone loves a good story and this is the greatest story ever told.
For Christian viewers it pulls the big story of the Bible together as one compelling story, rather than a cluster of short stories and in doing so reassures the viewer and gives them great confidence in the life changing story of salvation. It will motivate and equip people to reach out to and explain God’s good new by telling his story, as recorded in the Bible.
For the non-believing viewers the series answers many of the big questions of Christianity. Where did evil come from? How did people groups and nationalities come about? What’s with Israel? Why did Jesus have to die? Questions like these naturally find their logical answer as you follow the story of the Bible. It’s clear that Jesus didn’t walk into the story of the Bible at half time. When this back story is revealed the message of salvation makes a lot more sense.